The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

MAT Performance Benchmarking by Broadcom

step([$class: 'Autogen']): Autogen

  • element

    Specify the name of the element in your Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, RUNCOB01. The maximum length is 8 characters.

    You can specify several specific comma-separated elements within the sandbox, for example, RUNCOB01, RUNCOB02.

    You can use wildcards % and * to define the name patterns for the element names.
    Specify * to include all elements from the sandbox in the autonegeration process.
    Specify RUNCOB* to include all element names that start with "RUNCOB".
    Specify %%%COB* to include elements that contain the substring COB starting after position three.

    • Type: String
  • environment

    Provide the environment for the Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, DEV.

    • Type: String
  • system

    Provide the system name for the environment in your Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, APCTTC0.

    • Type: String
  • subsystem

    Provide the subsystem name for the environment in your Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, TESTCICD.

    • Type: String
  • stage

    Specify the environment stage in your Endevor® that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, 1.

    • Type: String
  • instance

    Specify the instance name of the environment that is associated with Endevor® Web services, for example, WEBSMFNE.

    • Type: String
  • signout

    Select this option to work with elements in Endevor® that might be currently worked on by another user.

    Select the Override signout option only if you have the permission to override the signout of another user.

    • Type: boolean

step([$class: 'EmailPostBuildAction']): Performance Benchmarking Report

Specify the list of recipients who will obtain email with performance benchmarking results after each pipeline execution. The performance benchmarking reports contain comprehensive data about the current performance of the Test Job, and provide analytical comparison with the previous and average performance metrics of this job. If the plugin detects any significant deviations from the statistically normal performance of the job, the recipients get an alert notification.

  • recipients

    Provide a comma-separated list of email addresses of intended recipients of the performance benchmarking reports, for example,,

    • Type: String

step([$class: 'PerformanceAnalysisBuilder']): Performance Benchmarking

  • testjob

    Specify the data set name that contains the mainframe job that you want to run the performance benchmarking for, for example, TEST.POC.JCLLIB(TESTJOB).

    The maximum length is 44 characters.

    Ensure that the job is included in the monitoring scope of the MAT Performance Benchmarking plugin by Broadcom.

    • Type: String

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